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5 Tips For Effective Workplace Communication

The year is fresh and crisp, what plans do you have for your career? Are you angling yourself for a promotion? Is this the year you start your own consultancy? Whatever it is, if you want to be at the top of your game, you must master effective workplace communication. Inarguably, good communication skills are essential for career progression and growth. Some of the highest paid jobs are not backbreaking. They involve spending time in meetings strategising as well as empowering and inspiring co-workers through exemplary communication techniques; that is what managers and directors do most of the time.

Engagement with colleagues is continuous and varied. You interact on different matters throughout the day. However, workplace communication is different from the other types of communication with colleagues. It is centred on workflows and processes. This may look like; project email correspondence, a team brainstorm, KPI reviews, pitches and presentations, updates on slack or even virtual meetings. All these are avenues for you to prove your expertise. Through communicating effectively at work, you are able to display your value to managers, colleagues and clients. You thus can grow much faster in your career.

workplace communication is different from the other types of communication with colleagues. It is centred on workflows and processes.

Here is how to communicate effectively at the workplace, and show your value:

#1. Prove that you know your stuff

The last thing you want is to mumble and sound unsure about your area of expertise when talking to colleagues and management. To be able to communicate effectively, you first need to have a thorough understanding of your job and the industry you are working in. Stay up to date on industry trends, be familiar with your company's products and services, and then be prepared to answer questions and provide information. It is not enough to know your stuff; you must be able to demonstrate what you know by being articulate about your ideas and solutions.

#2. Always be clear

Miscommunication not only hampers teamwork, but also kills productivity. This is because a lot of time is wasted working on the wrong tasks and goals. When communicating with colleagues, use simple, straightforward language, and avoid jargon or technical terms that might be confusing to others. Be sure to explain any unfamiliar concepts or terms, and provide any necessary context to ensure that your message is understood. Also, convey information and feedback in a timely manner. Lastly, ask questions and confirm when something is not clear on your end. Much as you are an expert in your field, to show value, you must display good interpersonal skills such as collaboration. Being clear in your workplace communication will help you achieve good relationships with your colleagues.

Be sure to explain any unfamiliar concepts or terms, and provide any necessary context to ensure that your message is understood. Also, convey information and feedback in a timely manner.

#3. Be honest and truthful

A key goal of effective workplace communication is setting the right expectations. Always being honest about your capabilities and ability to meet deadlines and targets will help to build trust with your colleagues and demonstrate your reliability. In a professional setting, where decisions are often made based on the information that is provided. If your colleagues and superiors know that they can trust what you say, they will be more likely to seek out your input and value your contribution to the team. You are also able to demonstrate your personal integrity and commitment to doing the right thing. This is beneficial to your career advancement.

#4. Understand non-verbal cues

In addition to the words you use, your body language and facial expressions play a key role in communication. Remember at all times, that when communicating, people notice three things. 7% is your words, 38% is the tone of your voice and 55% is body language. When talking to somebody, your tone says much more than your words and your body language tells even more than that. That is why it’s important to assume the correct posture, use the right tone of voice, and body expressions in order to come out as being confident and credible in your communication. Putting your shoulders back, maintaining eye contact, chinning up and smiling, all go a long way in communicating effectively. It may not come naturally at first, but the more you practise these things, the better you become.

#5. Be open to feedback

Effective communication is a two-way street. Encourage dialogue, and be willing to listen to your co-workers’ perspectives and ideas. This will help you better understand the needs and concerns of your colleagues. You will then tailor your communication appropriately to meet their needs. Also, by receiving and considering other people's perspectives and ideas, you can improve your own performance and work more effectively with others. Lastly, it makes you a good team player as you are willing to listen to others and value their contributions. This improves team dynamics and fosters a positive work environment, where growth is inevitable.

Effective communication is a two-way street.

You can thus demonstrate your value through effective communication in the workplace and build strong relationships with your colleagues by showing that you know your stuff; always expressing your ideas clearly; being honest and truthful; amplifying your message with correct non-verbal cues and being open to feedback. These are all skills that you can learn in this new year.

If you have found this article insightful and would love to improve your workplace communication skills for faster career growth, call us on +44 (0)7552 083 799 or email:

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